Thursday, March 10, 2005

you were the chosen one!

Okay, I need a few minutes to collect myself. Oh my god, just watched the Revenge of the Sith trailer on Fox after that god-awful show O.C., hey liz why do you watch this shit? Anyway, oh my god, now is the time for me to reveal the purpose of this blog, this is a countdown blog for Episode III, well at least a way for me to counteract all the stupid ass fan boys like those jackasses at Aint It Cool because I am sick and tired of hearing about how Lucas has lost it, and how the prequels will never live up to some imaginary experiences these idiots claim they had as children. We all know, if the original trilogy came out now, those people would have the same complaints about it, unless of course Peter Jackson directed because anything he touches turns to gold.
Anyway, the trailer, this is going to sounds ridiculous, but I had tears in my eyes at the end of it, Anakin, Obi-Wan watching that relationship go to shit is going to be one of the most excruciating film experiences of my life. And that line about the jedi being considered the enemies of the republic, sweet zombie jesus! And mace walking in to arrest Palpatine. I can't handle this, I need this movie, I need it, this is it, and bless you Lucas for giving us what will surely be THE defining star wars movie, that's right I said it. Please do yourself a favor and watch the trailer, I'm not asking for everyone to love this movie, but i hope we win back some fans who were turned off by the first two. To them I say I only hope that this movie puts the other two in perspective, then again, what if episode III doesn't live up to my own expectations? I hope not even my worst enemy would wish that upon me, but I'm not going to worry about it. Hell, I wish that everyone star wars or not, had something like this to look forward to, it's a great feeling. God, I love star wars.

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