Thursday, March 24, 2005

So look out...Lazlo Panaflex!

Two more clone wars chapters have been unveiled. Chapter 22 began with Anakin in his full on mop-top 70's Luke hair-do ass kicking his way through the clone wars. The most revealing part of this chapter was that we got to see Count Dooku train General Grevious, I love how subtly they have shown throughout this series the Sith gaining more and more power as the Jedi order begins to weaken. The episode ended with Anakin foolishly slaying a creature that was supposed to be used as a particular species rite of passage hunt on whatever planet they were on, I'm not sure which. Obi-Wan was probably very grumpy. Also one thing I forgot to mention, I love the banter between Anakin and Obi-Wan especially during the bug devouring scene, it's nice to get a few moments where we see that the Jedi don't take all of the teachings of the force too seriously. That was something I really loved in Attack of the Clones, the occasional back and forth between Anakin and Obi-Wan, we forget in the midst of all the foreshadowing of Anakin's fate that these two are best friends. That's whats great about Star Wars, its the most economic story telling around, you don't need these drawn out interludes where Obi Wan and lil Ani riff on the nature of their bond, you just place it in there and move on to something else, you get the idea and you don't lose the 30's style serial adventure story telling and pacing.

Chapter 23 showed Mace in top form, not only did he manage to rig a Seperatist fighter ship to obey his commands while he was standing on top of it flying through the streets of Coruscant, he also sliced and diced his way through several other ships only to later team up with Yoda. Yoda had some fine moments as well, casually crashing two gigantisized ships into each other with the simple wave of his hand. If there was ever a spin off I would die for, it would be Mace and Yoda in some kind of buddy comedy where they travel the universe going on daring adventures, making things blow up and cracking some jokes. That would be the ultimate, well maybe someone can convince Lucas. Probably not though.

57 days until May 19th, 2005.
I remember back when it was 3 years away, while I'm happy its closer, it is kind of sad how time flies.

To end this I will leave you with some of the most brilliant comedic diaogue ever written.

Duff Tour Guide: What does the future hold for us? Heh. Let's just say we have a few ideas up our sleeve.
Homer: Like what?
Guide: Um, I'd rather not get into it right now.
Homer: Why not?
Guide: All right, we don't have any ideas for the future. We got nothing. Happy?
Homer: [whiny] No.

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