I have an assignment to all the readers of this blog, since there are so many of you and some even think I'm still retired.
I was eating lunch in cosi today and there was a large group of tourists taking up at least four tables around me. At first I was annoyed by all their shenanigans especially since one of them had a mcdonalds cup with them. Not that cosi is elegant dining or anything, but come on mcdonalds, pull your head out of your ass. Anyway one of them noticed this too and said something like, mcdonalds! we're in new york and you are eating at mcdonalds! I thought this was interesting because new york has never been an exotic place to me but that's probably because we've always lived within comfortable driving distance and we have friends who live here longer than i can remember. The point of all this is, some people, probably from the middle and opposite coast and many other areas of the country, hold new york in the same regard as a foreign country. It's like there's a different culture, different set of customs and things you ordinarily do in your normal life are considered irrelevant here. That being said, it got me thinking that while I have kind of lived here for almost three years now (kind of being i've never owned the place where i live and have never stayed continuously for more than 5 months), I really know nothing about this city. It's still that place with the huge buildings and cool stores, it's not exotic enough to make me a tourist but it definitely hasn't been personalized to any extent, but i really want it to be. So I what i want you good folks to do is to contribute your favorite spots in any part of the city, they could be anywhere. An example is a park nate showed me and mom a little while ago, I cant remember where it was, but you should remember navigatin' nate. To wrap this crap up, I'm not excluding this list to any particular set of locations, it could be the empire state building, it could be a bench in Bed-Stuy. Anyway let me know, cause I'm trying to figure this city out. I guess that's all, oh and I should also mention, my freaking voicemail is set up so you can all sleep easy tonight. There I said it.
But don't go feelin' all stuck and shamed for your damned ol' dad,
'cuz I've seen troubles that could kill ten stronger men.
It's just that all this weight from la-la-livin's
been catchin' fire in my hands.
Well, fuck this town, son. I wanna make 'em crawl again.
New York blows.
Yes, but it won't blow as much now that I have my voice mail set up
Am I right?
this is true. but it still blows.
I would have to disagree G-Unit. It's no Boofwyn, but still. I mean come on. It's got the cage! You're home away from home. Plus Bryce lives here.
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