Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Just saw a film that is supposed to come out in october, it's called the squid and the whale. Much love to Bone for getting me into the press screening tonight. It's directed by Noah Baumbach who co-wrote Life Aquatic with Wes Anderson, and I can't tell who came first because they've obviously inspired each other. Squid and the Whale has the kind of melon-comedic tone that anderson has perfected over the years. It's about a family going through a divorce amongst other things, I won't describe any more because I feel it's best to go into these kinds of movies without a lot of pre-knowledge. Anyway it's obviously one of those lived-in movies, where you can tell some of these scenes have been lifted directly from real life. The movie is really funny and touching in such an unforced way, movies like this always seem to lift me up. It's nice to see that you can convey years worth of regret with just a look or a throw-away line. Anderson has also become the master of this. Anyway you should check it out when it comes out in theatres, I'd like to see it again. Again, thank you tess. I really appreciate it.

Yesterday during work a 75 year old woman said I had a nice voice on the phone and asked me if I was interested in the mormon church. I guess people with only nice voices can join the mormon church, I don't know if it's a compliment. Do I want to have a mormon voice? She also said she didn't believe in credit cards, and she's never used them, that's pretty admirable like people who don't watch T.V.

I guess that's enough.

Royal takes the dalmation over to Chas.
ROYAL I got you a new dog for the boys.
Chas looks at the dalmation. He looks back to Royal.
CHAS What’s this?
ROYAL I just bought him.
CHAS You did?
Royal nods. Silence.
ROYAL I’m sorry I let you down, Chas. All of you. I’ve been trying to make it up to you.
Royal holds out the leash. Chas hesitates. He takes it.
CHAS What’s his name?
ROYAL (quietly) Sparkplug.
CHAS Thank you.
ROYAL You’re welcome.
Chas suddenly starts crying. He stares at the ground.
CHAS We’ve had a rough year, Dad.
ROYAL I know you have, Chassie.

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