Sunday, July 10, 2005


I just saw an ESPN segment about Jeffrey Jordan, Michael's 16 year old son. Jeffrey is playing at the McDonalds high school all american basketball camp, going into his junior year of high school. Apparently, he says he's decent. Anyway the point of all this is despite the obvious shit this kid is going to face because of his name, I found it kind of touching. Now, I am fully aware this will sound weird but just bear with me. You see I remember watching one of those Michael Jordan basektball videos, (I think it was Air Time, somebody correct me if I'm wrong) when I was a kid and seeing Older Jordan playing basketball with his kids when they couldn't have been any older than 6 or 7 years old. And there's something about seeing him as a kid then and now he's sixteen years old and playing basektball, it's like I pseudo-watched him grow up. I mean, obviously I didn't but I do know that if he ever becomes a professional basketball player, I'll have a new jordan to root for. Won't be the same but maybe it will get me to watch the NBA again.

Anyway, what I wanted to write about, rather copy and paste from a website were the lyrics to a song I haven't really stopped listening to since the cd came out. And now after the London attacks, it's taken on a whole new meaning for me. The song is called Lord, I Know We Don't Talk and it's by kevin devine. Anyway the song is about a guy asking god to prove his existence by stopping the terror our country seems to be reigning down upon the world. Or so I thought, when I first heard the song I said to myself, oh yeah anti-war song, nice. But after last week I remembered (I don't know how I forgot), that there are a lot of other people out there who like to blow shit up indiscriminately thinking they have the might of God on their side.

In a motel room,
with the Bible out,
combing scripture for answers about
what's happening now.
I can't believe my eyes,
and I just can't trust my ears,
but I've heard a man can always come find
some solace here.

Lord, I know that we don't talk
often at all anymore,
but desperate folks do desperate things,
so I'm stapling this note to your door.

Please: turn the ship around,
and lock the course in place,
and keep the train tracks nailed to the ground,
but pull the emergency brake.
I've lost my faith in man
just like I once lost faith in you,
and I've been covering all kinds of ground
thinkin' hard 'bout what else I could lose.
And I know how I look, to come crawling back,
acting like you owe me proof,
but this is bigger than me,
and I think it's bigger than you too.

So if this gets to you,
if you ever come home,
just know I won't be awaiting the postman.
I will not be glued to my phone.
I'll know a change has come,
I'll know that you exist,
when all our bombs stop exploding and when
all of our landmines are stripped.
When we stop blowing up strangers' houses
and making orphans of innocent kids,
and people stop thinking the world's theirs for the taking
'cuz your will once told them it is.

'Til then, I'm gonna shake my head,
I'm gonna bite my tongue
when people tell me, "Have faith and be patient.
We're waiting for God to show up."
'Til then, it's one more skeptical song.
But I'll be glad as hell
if you come prove me wrong.

1 comment:

Nathaniel said...

I bet Jeff has that poster with Michael Clarke Duncan on it. That was sweet.