Okay, let's get this over quickly. Just saw Revenge of the Sith for the fourth time yesterday, and a special note to all those waiting to see it, if you can, see it digitally. It's a remarkable difference, and it almost gets to a point where the special effects don't look like special effects, they look like a photographed image. I know there is a lot of economic turmoil surrounding the switch to digital and I'm not going to pretend to understand the implications, it's just a shame that the theatres around me haven't switched yet.
Anyway the movie, it kicks ass. It's so epic and tragic and such a big goddamn spectacle that fully justifies the star wars title. Kevin Smith said in his review he was predisposed to like this movie, I think I am of the same ilk. As someone who I suppose could be called a star wars apologist, even though I really realy hate that term. I am a prequel fan as well as a special edition fan. Anyway, none of that foolishness matters, back to the movie. For me to like this movie would have taken a mighty big undertaking on the maker's part. So for that I say, thank the maker.
Here's what I love.
1. The Opening- the dogfight, the R2-D2 stuff, the banter back and forth between anakin and obi-wan. I love the energy and the goofiness, it's also a really great opening action set piece. Part of me really hates this part just because I want the movie to stay this way, and not spill into the giant clusterfuck it will become.
2. Palpatine- He is in the zone in this movie and my hat goes off to Ian McDiarmid for not only playing a character twenty years younger from when he last saw him, which is actually twenty years older for McDiarmid. But he also makes a great villian, and he is so damn convincing in his manipulation of anakin. Watching him in that opera scene you can't help but think that this is why villians were created. He is a great villian because he can pull off the good guy disguise as chancellor and then just as easily switch gears into the bat shit crazy over the top emperor and I personally love watching it all.
3. The Jedi Massacre- Goddamn this is a tough sequence, and Lucas pulls it off beautifully. The intercutting, the tragedy of it in its inevitability. This sequence chokes me up every time I see it. I think my favorite shot in the movie is a simple close up of yoda's cane as it drops to the floor and seeing the little guy clutch his heart as his way of life is being wiped out. This sequence is just the beginning of the emotional heights this movie scales.
4. The last 45 minutes to 1 hour of this movie- I haven't really calculated how long the running time is on this part, but watching the obi-wan vs. anakin intercut with yoda vs. darth sidious is like watching some beautiful symphony. It's epic in a way that reaches operatic levels and truly brings the space opera back into star wars. Then how the movie shifts so dynamically to the intercutting of darth vader being born to that of the twins birth. Genius. My second favorite shot in the movie, when that mask comes down and vader takes his first breath. You will not hear a sound in the theatre when that happens, truly chill inducing. Then Leia and Luke landing on their perspective planets, and each of their themes being introduced and the very last shot of the movie is absolute perfection.
5. Other random shit I Like- Ewan McGregor, I feel his talents are really under appreciated in these movies. He makes obi-wan's growth so consistent with that of the alec guiness portrayal. And his humanity and wit are present even when he is delivering some truly cheesey lines. Side note, I don't give a shit about the dialogue in this movie, people need to relax about that shit, it's a star wars movie for christ sake. And one more thing, lord of the rings had some truly stupid lines in it too, but oh wait that's literary so it has to be good. Please. Anyway, Ewan really pulls out all the stops in his confrontation with anakin, it's his hurt that registers more than anything. It's devastating. Speaking of acting, even though they hit some rough patches here and there, I like hayden christensen and natalie portman, they're just not as consistent as everyone else. I think their last scene together is one of the most emotionally satisfying as anything star wars has ever put up on screen. I think they work a lot better when the relationship is falling apart, that being said I think they both did a good job and don't deserve the shit being hurled at them. Also, yoda rules but everyone knew that.
That being said, is there anything i didn't like about it?
No you bastard and how dare you make that assumption. Actually I wish there was more of the kashykk battle, I think it's effective as it is and doesn't take anything away, it just doesn't really serve a purpose other than to get yoda out of coruscant and to introduce chewbacca, which I really like by the way. The shot of yoda hopping up on chewbacca's shoulder is another particular delight. I also wish at the very end there would have been a shot of yoda getting of his little pod on dagobah, which there was supposed to be but i read that it was taken out because it was felt that the film had too many endings. I can understand that but I would have liked to see it anyway. Other than that, yeah I can see the complaint that anakin's tranformation happens a little too quickly but it's a star wars movie and if you want subtlety and nuance, go see crash. oh wait that sucked nevermind. I admit, it is sudden but remember yoda's words. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. That's the dark side, it gets in you and it consumes you, plus I think the moment when anakin lights up his lightsaber in the room full of younglings is a great moment in its savagery. I don't like it, but it is a hell of a shot.
To wrap up, this movie took me places I didn't think a star wars movie was capable of. I don't know if it's the best of the six, but I definitely think there are individual moments that are better than any of the original movies. As I said, I think it's safe to say the last hour of this movie is the best of all six. So yeah, this movie kicks ass. I hope you all enjoyed my thoughts, now go see the movie and make up your own damn mind. It could definintely use the money. Later, see you around maybe.
I say keep this blog rolling until the official announcement of Eps. VII, IIX, & IX. You know it's inevitable. And then you talk all about those Episodes. This isn't the end, it's the beginning of a new Star Wars era. 7,8, & 9 will happen! Get excited!
BTW, I actually find the first trilogy a little disappointing now after seeing I, II & III. I know the technology isn't as good in the original, but it's not just that. The original trilogy doesn't seem as deep anymore. I'm almost embarrassed for Anakin now seeing that his son grows up to be such a little pussy. Anakin is such a more interesting and complex character than Luke.
Oh well, I wish Lucas would just announce that he's gonna make (at least write) another trilogy so we can all get giddy!
Just got back from seeing it. Oh God! It was awesome. Everything I was hoping for in the hidden parts of my heart. I agree with every point in your review.
It really completed everything so well. It made the hopes pinned on Luke seem so much more important. It dealt with good vs. evil in as complicated a way as possible within its universe. And the way it mirrored our own world wasn't simple either.
It looked like Lucas went all out. Really hit his stride. MacGregor too. Effects looked great. I still don't love I and II. They just seem like necessary stepping stones to get to this movie.
You're right about the romance. It only feels right when there's conflict. Love as a step to hatred was especially interesting. Yoda was the shit. The congress fight was sweet.
One bit of cheesiness that bothered me a bit was Vader's last scene. The mask and first breath were great, but the homage to Frankenstein (I think) felt too awkward and the anime-style, "Noooooo!" is something I just can't take seriously anymore.
What about the bit of backstory that Palpantine lays on us about a Sith Lord capable of using mito-whatevers to create life? Am I supposed to think Anakin was created this way?
I don't need 7, 8, and 9 cuz things feel pretty complete now, but if they're anything like this, then they are welcome.
I'm adding Lucas to my wishlist of directors for Neon Genesis Evangelion cuz I'm selfish like that and the effects would be in the bag and the father-issues would be well-handled.
All in all, a good movie. And a good blog to get me hyped for it. Much thanks.
Okay so I guess I'm the only one who doesn't like the "effects." Actually the effects aren't bad, it's just the green screen shots (that would be all of the shots, wouldn't it?) that bother me. I wish there was a lot less digital crap in all three films. In fact the only two bad things I have to say about the new trilogy are 1) Jar-Jar was horrible and 2) less green screen stuff would have been better for me.
The lasers and lightsabers are great, but watching the character walk around in settings that look completely digital can be annoying sometimes. Sometimes the shadows are off, sometimes you can see their feet not touching the ground, sometimes the lighting looks bad, whatever the case it can be distracting. At least for me.
I can deal with HD filmmaking (Rodriguez shows you can pull it off and make it look good i.e Once Upon a Time), but green screen still looks fake to me (even sin city, which was a little easier to hide since it was black and white).
I'd love to see a prequel-prequel trilogy (episodes -2, -1 & 0) just to see how the sith became practically extinct, the formation of the jedi council, etc.
I find this post-apocalyptic wasteland very confusing. Seriously, I'm weirded out.
That's because you're a loser. You were a loser in the year 2000 and you're a loser in the year 4000.
Yeah, but in the year 3000, I had it all. Several friends, a low-paying job, a bed in a robot's closet. I envied no man. But you wrecked everything.
I think I made my point.
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