Nothing to coherently tie all of these things together other than they are all awesomely outrageous...
-I've been listening to the jackson browne song "these days" every day for the past couple of weeks. I have become dependent upon it and it's not because I need to listen to it or anything, although it is a very comforting song. I just think it is one of the most perfect songs ever written, lyrically that is, there is not a wrong word or sentiment in the entire song. It has the simultaneous effect of being almost diary entry personal but at the same time universal in a way that all songs strive for but few can achieve. I was listening to mr. browne talk about these days and he said he wrote it when he was 16. What kind of 16 year old writes the line, "don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them." Although he did say it was in a different form back then, but still the tone of the song couldn't have been any different. That baffles me, but I will probably continue to listen to it.
-I really need to see Episode III again, I know a unanimous eye roll is bound to happen as you guys read this, but I was watching the documentary about the original trilogy on dvd yesterday and I just go really nostalgic for it even though it happened only a few months ago. Maybe it's not that I want to see it again so much as I want to go back to that wednesday night midnight showing, I wish I could take myself back to a place where I haven't seen it yet and see it again with my friends for the first time. It is coming out on dvd in a few weeks and we will do the entire trilogy in one day I guarantee you that, I'll be sure to do an extensive post concerning that little hootenanny. There are so many moments I need to see on a screen again: anakin screaming in tortorous pain, uncle owen standing on the crest of the hill as the sun sets in the distance, vader's mask slowly lowering down to anakin's face, the look on yoda's face right before he and sidious end their dramatic confrontation via lightning, the list goes on and on. Maybe I just want to see count dooku snacking on some salt 'n vinegar potato chips again...
-Spike Lee's He Got Game is one of the most beautiful films ever made, if ever a film achieved the heights of visual poetry, I would rank this one up there with any of terence malick's films. The last line denzel's character says to ray allen is one of the best send offs and summation for a character of any movie I've ever seen. No matter how many times I've seen it, that moment always gets to me at the end. Plus its about basketball, I really wish I still played, I think I'm going to take advantage of the palladium gym and start shootin' hoops. I say that every year the more I think about it, I just need to get a routine going where I just shoot around every day. I'm not ready to play competitive games or anything, I just want the ball, the net, and the quiet. Then, I'll start kicking ass, it's such a beautiful sport, I really wish I hadn't let it go. (I'm making this sound over dramatic I was not ever a really die hard serious basketball player, but I did enjoy playing it a lot. And I do miss it.)
-This administration has had more indictments, subpeonas, and court hearings than any in recent history (if that's not true somebody correct me). It just seems like as of recently, everybody's getting their asses handed to them. Granted nothings happened yet but if public opinion is as judgmental now as it was of the Clinton years, hopefully this shit will never leave our minds. I just think its baffling that these guys (Frist, Rove, Scooter, and DeLay to name a few) could have all these allegations of wrong doing toppling down around them and there are still people in the press defending them. The best one I heard so far was that everybody knew of Valerie Plame's CIA identity and leaking it was not a crime as it were. Where's Ken Starr when you need him? Oh yeah, that's right he works for them, there is Fitzgerald but unlike Starr he doesn't seem to want to make the investigation about a second rate witch hunt and instead actually pursuing the various injustices and punishing those who committed them. We'll see how this all plays out, but the really bitter and angry side of me wishes I could stuff this down the red state's throats, I hate to cast such a general net of blame but, I had to get it out and maybe now we can find a more rationale explanation as to how these villains got elected twice. Where's Rage Against the Machine when you need them, they would probably have had ten more albums out if they stuck around. Zack come back.
-Also, what's with these stupid ass nicknames: Scooter? Brownie? Is Bush running a goddamn tree house brigade or something? It all fits into the fact that we have a president with the mind of a five year old running our country. That would explain an awful lot, but I think also most normal five year olds would do a better job than him.
That's it for now, I think.
Yeah definitely...
Yeah definitely, see ya.
"i'll take a dog's life
just layin' in the sun
i'll take a dog's life
'cause i don't care for this one"
This is all true. But just remember that the fat man continued with his unabashed love of everything that gets released by a studio this year today.
Oh yeah and take a look at this horrible movie...
Kids In America
I don't feel like putting up the link. So... what is this?
Since I'm commenting to myself more time..
Burns: Release the League of Evil.
[Wall opens to reveal a table with skeletons at it]
What happened to my league?
Smithers: Even monsters need air, sir.
ethan- have you watched the new jarhead preveiw? thoughts?
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