Wednesday, April 27, 2005

things the grandchildren should know.

Sorry I've been so lazy with this thing, why didn't you guys tell me keeping up a blog was such hard work and that tasting things tasted so good. Anyway, got two finals coming up and I know bone will slap me for complaining about two, but I'm a film student, we lost the ability to take tests a long time ago. But I am in the process of studying for those right now, really, I'm reading a philosophy book as I type this, it's a new skill I developed, I believe I'll call it a fry-hole.

The new Eels album, Blinking Lights and Other Revelations is (and I'm not using this term lightly) a masterpiece. It's a brilliant summation of one of the greatest rock bands/creative minds in the music industry known simply as a Man Called E. Yes the ablum deals with growing up in a dysfunctional family, yes there is a lot of death and suicide talk in it but if that's all your getting out of it then you ain't listening. This is one of the most optimistic and uplifting albums I've ever heard, one review I read put it perfectly when they said anytime an album stops and makes you examine the way you are living your life, then it's something special. I'm biased of course because I could listen to the Eels do michael bolton covers and still think it's brilliant (hmm, how can I make that happen?) But I absoultely love this album, every day since I got it I wonder if I could fit it into the new day's listening cycle, the only problem is its 33 songs and I want to listen to it in it's entirety, so I'll have to work on that. There are no standout tracks because everyone is a standout track, if I knew E, I would be so proud of him and I hope this album brings him the critical kudos he sorely deserves, even though I know he doesn't care about that stuff. As DJ Killingspree pointed out:
One message board poster calls him the "Godfather to all the babyfreaks with broken hearts". Ask E himself for the answer and he'll shrug and say simply, "I like to rock".

So give it a listen and tell me what you think, or don't. Either way, it doesn't effect me, Bender.

Speaking of finals, I don't care about finals. Don't worry that doesn't mean I'm not studying, Mom. It's just so hard after you read stuff like this online on a daily basis.

"Revenge of the Sith" is, quite simply, fucking awesome. This is the "Star Wars" prequel the haters have been bitching for since "Menace" came out, and if they don't cop to that when they finally see it, they're lying."

You can go over to to read the rest of his review. I didn't because it has spoilers so read at your own discretion.

Now these are strong words to make your head spin, now I should point out this was written by Kevin Smith,(who now officially double rules) and he has been a strong advocate of the prequel films ever since Menace came out. Regardless, this is exactly the kind of review I wanted from him and luckily we got it. If what he says is true, then I have a new determination to study my ass off and get through these stupid roadblocks on the way to some revenging on the siths part. I got my tickets for wednesday midnight at the Brandywine Town Center, an absolutely gorgeous theatre. I just want to see this movie. That's all.

Zack or "The Editor" pointed out that I missed the one month till date a week ago, yeah I did. And I'm a lazy lazy man. So allow me to remind you all of how close this movie actually is.

21 Days Until May 19th, 2005.
Gettin' closer. And Until then, the balcony is closed. (bonus points for who can tell me where that balcony bit is from, and by bonus points I mean nothing)

"i'll pick some daisies from the flower bed
of the galaxy theater while you clear your head
i thought some daisies might cheer you up"

Friday, April 22, 2005

The world you live in is just a sugar-coated topping. There is another world beneath it. The real world.

This is pretty bad, somebody needs to help Wesley Snipes.

I couldn't possibly solve this mystery.

...Can you?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Rated PG-13 for sci-fi violence and some intense images.

In the words of Shang Tsung....


Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith has officially received its rating as of Thursday April 14, 2005. PG-13. I actually read about this on sunday morning but I waited to write about it in fear that it would just turn out to be an internet rumor, and I would look like a huge ass. Anyway if you can't tell, I am estatic about this rating, not to say that a film's rating has ever pre determined its quality but what this tells me about ROTS is that it's going to be different. Now, I'm going to pose a thought, that does not mean I am making a statement, but I have been thinking about this for quite some time so these are not just exciting anti fanboy ramblings, actually they are but who cares. If ROTS is better than I want it to be, that means it has the potential to be the best of all the star wars films and perhaps the most important. Again these are all speculations, I am not trying to boast. But perhaps, this PG-13 symoblizes a united group effort to make THE star wars movie, again I use the word symbol because obviously the PG-13 doesn't mean anything in terms of qulaity. And don't get me wrong I am not in any way trying to put down any of the original films or the two prequels. I love them all, however I feel this film and the story that it is trying to tell warrants a much more intense vision. Intense of course being a relative term since this is after all a star wars film, I most certainly do not want to lose any of the Blam-Pow space adventure stuff. So I applaud the PG-13 and I feel it is a great step in the right direction. In other ROTS related stuff, I saw tickets have gone on sale at the AMC Neshimany 24 in PA. Now this is the first theatre to sell them that is relatively close to where I live. Get ready for this because this is truly how pathetic I am, I shivered at the thought of tickets existing for this movie. I can't even being to imagine what goes through my mind when I am physically holding the stubs for this film, I'll let you know when that happens. They go on sale for the great Brandywine Town Center Regal Cinemas 16 on April 20th, again I'll let you know.

I'm going to leave you with something that I really really hope is true. It's from this website DAVISDVD, and it's an early review of the ROTS soundtrack by john williams. It comes out May 3rd I believe.

"Not yet - ahem - officially released, John Willliams' score for the upcoming film is a dark and moody masterpiece. Militaristic and unusually creepy ("Palpatine's Teachings" and "Padme's Ruminations" send chills down your spine), the score already has a permanent place in my daily routine. Stand outs include the famous opening fanfare followed by an ass-kicking space battle, the impassioned "Battle of the Heroes" (dare I say better than "Duel of the Fates"), the percussion-driven "General Grievous" and the heartbreaking "The Birth of the Twins." The only drawback is the awkwardly constructed 13-minute "End Credits" which repeats the Throne Room music from Episode 4 far too many times. That aside, this is a must-buy when it's released on May 3rd. I'll definitely purchase this brilliant music (the bonus DVD doesn't hurt either)."

Better than Duel of the Fates?

I'm speechless.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Horray For Blindey!

So yeah about that comment last night. I don't hate all couples, just couples that feel the need to lord over everyone with their "love" and how happy they are with their partner. Case in point, last night at the Josh Rouse concert (more on him later) these two dipshit douchebags standing in front of Nate were making out endlessly. And by endlessly, I definitely mean endlessly, I don't think they saw any of the show. They were too busy making out, making out with each other. This is both sickening and infuriating, sickening because...I don't really think I have to explain to you why that's sickening you can probably figure that out for yourself. Infuriating because these two shitboxes think its okay to commit these kinds of acts in public, because it ain't. These people are so arrogant as to think that whatever space they happen to occupy is their own and as for everybody else there, who cares? We're in love. What a stupid, selfish, and dangerous attitude to have. That is some fucked up repugnant shit.

Anyway, enough of this negative of emotion. Josh Rouse and his rockicity was enough to over come the vomit enducing actions of the people in the crowd. Josh Rouse is fast becoming one of my favorite musicians, up there with the likes of pearl jam and the rest. One of the great things about him is that he's achieved what he has without the benefits of radio play or music videos (take that MTV and Clear Channel). And he doesn't feel the need to plaster his face everywhere to get attention, he just plays music. He also makes it look so easy and effortless which is usually a sign of some of the hardest working artists out there. Check him out if you have the chance, every one of his albums plays like a sequel to the previous one. A great progression that doesn't negate the previous, but makes it stronger. Except for his first, I suppose, that's just a great opening. Rock on Josh.

"Spent hours on a landline,
Hopin' you would find time for me
Showed up at your door, it was a scene
I was so sure,
You would be free
I should have caught a ride on a Brooklyn train
30 years old and nothing's changed"

Friday, April 08, 2005

It's an honest thing and honest things they last.

I hate couples.

Listen this is going to be one hell of a bowel movement, by the end of it he'll be lucky if he has any bones left.

If this blog is incoherent, I must apologize for it feels like 80 billion degrees in this room. I wish the weather would just decide what season it wishes to pursue and do that, last weekend it was freezing. Now, however, it is muggy, whatever happened to nice crisp spring days, perfect weather, don't we deserve a bit of that? I guess not, but just give us something comfortable, I'm sweating like a pig here.
I went to Toys R Us to see the star wars toys, of which there are plenty, the main chore is to sort out which ones I merely want and which will leave me with a insatiable void if I pass up the opportunity to own them. I feel weird about all this stuff in 2005, probably because its the last time it will ever happen so I am tempted to snatch up anything I can get my greedy little hands on. That's why I got Mom down in Avondale keepin an eye on any new developments in the star wars merchandising bonanza which is unfolding as we speak. But as I said, as silly as I am about all this stuff, I feel it is justified because this is the last one and these are the days on which I will look back and say, wow that was fun getting excited about all that crap. Is it wrong that I'm getting nostalgic about something that is in the process of happening, better yet, hasn't happened yet? Oh well, I'm excited, I want the toys, I want the soda, I need it for my life.
I watched the corporation last night, really interesting documentary. If anyone wants to borrow it, I would gladly pass it around, it really reminded me of this summer where you threw a stone and you hit some left oriented documenatry which was great to see not only because I agreed with most of them. But because a lot of people found alternatives to the mainstream media, which wishes to crush out all dissent, unfortunately it didn't move people enough to unseat the current jackasses in power but the overall effect is undeniable and that gives me hope. That reminds me, Michael Moore's words close out the corporation, and they are some of the most inspiring stuff I saw in a movie last year, one of the few times in a theatre where I really wanted to clap but I swore to uphold a sacred oath against that crap so I held back. So watch the corporation, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll shudder with fear, you'll slap your head with disgust, and probably punch the couch a couple of times and the person sitting next to you, you won't regret it.
A finally note, despite what you may have read, being emo is not something to be ashamed of. Did I miss something? When did Emo become the new scarlet letter? Emo stands for emotional, isn't any good music emotional, otherwise you get 3 Doors Down or Matchbox 20. Emo is just a term that idiot rock journalists and terrified music executives came up with to maintain their control over the trends of the music industry. They recognized something happening beyond their control and beyond their capabilities of understanding so they packaged it and slapped a big stupid label on it in order to keep things from getting out of hand, they've got units to move remember? If you're going to call something "emo" with a negative connotation at least specify what you didn't like about it, just say it was fake or not worth your time or it just bugged the hell out of you. Don't hate sentimentality because its sentimental, that's just stupid. Although here at NYU you'd think that was law of the land. Okay I knew this would spin out of control, nobody panic, I'm logging off now.

Just kidding....

Okay, now as of the end of this sentence.

The sentence that I am speaking...


Frink, out.

Here's something for all the emo haters out there.

You'll sit alone forever
If you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?
Im here and now Im ready
Holding on tight
Dont give away the end
The one thing that stays mine...

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Can I throw up in your bathroom? I'll buy something.

Okay loads to talk about, but I'm not going to do it tonight. I am way too tired and I've been on a film shoot most of the weekend, and the weather sucks so tomorrow I promise. Because there are so many of you readers eagerly awaiting my posts. Anyway here's a little taste.

1. Album Leaf puts on a great show, more people should give these guys a chance. And I say that with conviction because I, too at one point had no faith. Then I converted.

2. Sin City is Robert Rodriguez's best movie ever, and that comes from a really really big From Dusk Till Dawn fan.

3. Three new Star Wars tv ads premiered this weekend, tragedy is my personal favorite, it's breaking my heart.

4. I am sub-par at crowd control.

5. I absolutely positively 100% can not wait for the new eels album, its the episode III of albums.

That's all a more complete entry tomorrow, and until then. I leave you with...

"Do you know what it's like to care too much, 'bout someone that you're never gonna get to touch.
Hey man, now you're really living.
Have you ever sat down in the fresh cut grass and thought about the moment and when it will pass.
Hey man, now you're really living."

Seasons greetings
peace out.