I just read an article by new york times film critic a.o. scott. He's writing about the criteria one has to make and observe in order to successfully gauge the pick of family films this season. He mentions the reaction his 9 year old son had this past summer...
"After I took my 9-year-old and a friend of his to "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" last spring, for example, they kept coming back to the awful final battle, in which Anakin Skywalker's limbs are severed and his face horribly burned. This was a more intimate kind of violence than they were used to encountering, and they needed to make sense of its place in the movie's narrative. They were disturbed as well as fascinated, and what fascinated me was how seriously they took the scene, which is a grisly confirmation of Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader and a punishment for his allegiance to the dark side. In some ways I wish that George Lucas and I had spared them such a gruesome spectacle, but at the same time their reaction to it confirmed the integrity of Mr. Lucas's story."
Damn right, and that's why it's still the best of the series.
I guess. I'd like to have seen some dinosaurs for it to be truly "the best". (or maybe robocop)
Or Anakin coulda used the force to make his severed limbs smack Obi in the face.
True dat...
Looks like your boy ebert put that Irish film in his top ten. Ebert's Top 10.
please explain to me again why you two respect this fatman's opinion? he continually shows that he does not have the same taste in movies that you do.
I generally do agree with him. My big problem was just Crash being his number one when it sucked donkeys. Otherwise I'm just joshing with the fat man. He did like Hustle and Flow.
I have just one question....
Where are you christmas?
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