Thursday, September 08, 2005

Don't mind if I already did...

I fear we have awoken a sleeping giant...

That's right, kounterklockwise is back, comin' out GUNS BLAZING!!!! Head on over to the site and check it out. I still dont know how to put links or any of that other fancy shit. That's as good as I can do. Deal.

On a lighter note, you can also go to and watch sigur ros's new music video. It will restore your faith in music videos again. Well, probably not but it's absolutely beautiful and the song kicks ass, plus its got weird doll like icelandic kids walking around enjoying each other's company, dancing, holding their evil in check. It's just a great video, I was telling nate that the last time I got the same reaction from one of those things was when I watched the scientist video way back in freshman year. I'm sure there are milliions of other great music videos out there, I just gave up on them a while ago, but this one is a shocker alright.

There's more stuff to report but I'll do that in the coming days with more frequent posts. I just wanted to get you fools to watch that sigur ros video. That is all.

"So? I'm just as important as him.
It's just that, the kind of importance I have doesn't matter if I ... don't do it."


Nathaniel said...

That video is the gospel. When the kids jump is amazing. I agree about debt consolidation.

KounterKlockwise said...

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

Seriously, I am.

Nathaniel said...

Why aint there no movie answer man? I demand answers.