Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Fashion Awards

It's 4:43am on a Tuesday Morning.

And I'm going to a fashion show.

I'll let E tell you the rest...

let's go down to the fashion show
with all the pretty people that you don't know
we'll sit down in the velvet chairs
they'll hand awards out for best hair
and if we don't win one, well, then
we'll blow off our heads in despair
we'll blow off our heads in despair

i smell magic in the room
flashing lights and sonic booms
lovely saps all without a care
nobody said that the world was fair
and if they did say so, well, then
we'll blow off our heads in despair
we'll blow off our heads in despair

let's go down to the fashion show
with all the pretty people and piles of blow
we'll sit down in the velvet chairs
and hang on tight to our bus fare
and if it falls between the seats
we'll blow off our heads in despair
we'll blow off our heads in despair

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if you ever read this interpretation of Star Wars in which Chewie and R2 are top-level spies?

It's as good a reason as any to rewatch the original. :)