Sunday, October 18, 2009

Welcome Back!!! Oh wait...

Whoa Doctor, by gar it's been a while. I feel like celebrating...etc. etc. etc.

Okay, I'm done.

I decided to start this puppy back up again, give her a brand new sheen and maybe a fine winter coat.

I was thinking the other after walking out of a particularly excellent new film, that I really wish I had some kind of venue in which to discuss my plentiful feelings of admiration towards said film and some of my frustrations with what I perceive to be "confused" responses to it by other people.

Long story short, I want to write about movies again. I miss it, I love doing it and from this day I vow to you to write about one movie per day for as long as I can. I feel like I can avoid the whole "julie and julia" knock off by first acknowledging that this is a completely unoriginal idea (see Kevin Murphy's book for a far more outlandish and entertaining take on the subject) and I don't really think I have anything to add, I just want to write. So there you have it, nothing new here, maybe even nothing coherent and legible. But it is something, and isn't that in the end the real truth? The answer is no.

There you have it, a movie a day, just my thoughts and musings. We'll start tomorrow...

Coming Soon...

Where the Wild Things Are
