Apologies for my absence. I'm sure in the ensuing years since we last spoke you have been forced to wander the barren wasteland known as the internet, in search of anything remotely resembling mental sustenance. I say to you now that your long and arduous search is over.
I have returned!
I should say, I'm writing this return post right now, which isn't to say I'll necessarily STICK TO IT this time. But let's roll the dice and see what happens.
I had an idea for a blog a couple years back for some kind of examination of how music not specifically written for a film works in conjunction with the images. I believe there is a technical term for when a pop song is used on a soundtrack but it has escaped me at the moment. For one reason or another I never got around to starting this blog. Perhaps because there are ten-thousand other blogs with the exact same purpose being started, written, and subsequently abandoned as we speak. How do I offer to stand out in this immensely packed field? I don't. I'm just going to write about things that interest me and maybe some of you will come along.
Getting back to the point. Each post will examine a particular scene from a film, (I might do the occasional TV show every now and then but those will be few and far between) and I will try to offer my unique insight into the why of it all. Why was this scene chosen? Why does it work (or doesn't)? That's only two but I'm sure more will come up as I dive into this.
So sit back and get ready for some hopefully not copyrighted youtube clips and half-assed pseudo analysis of some of my favorite Songs and Images from the Movies.
PS: I'm not totally 100% crazy about this lay-out. If anybody has any ideas or contributions, feel free to share.